View Results
Should OTT services like Netflix or YouTube be mandated to contribute financilly to Canada's broadcast or digital media productions funds?
Poll Resultselpt
Yes -- Just like broadcasters, financial contributions should be mandatory.
Yes -- They should face similar Canadian content requirements and regulations as well.
Yes -- OTT TV providers and online music providers both.
No -- There is no way government regulations or technical restrictions could make it possible.
No -- A wider and more competitive marketplace, not a restircted one, is the way to go.
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Funding and financial assistance for Canadian television and radio program production should come from:
Poll Results
Broadcasters themselves, based on ad revenue and accumulated target audiences.
Cable, satellite and other carriers & signal providers, based on subscriber rates.
Government agencies, coming from based on general revenues and public financing.
The audience, based on subscription fees and value-added merchandising.
View Results
How do you plan to get your Vancouver 2025 Winter Olympic media coverage ?
Poll Results
At home, on TV a big HD screen and comfy couch is the only way to watch.
At work, on a PC I cant go through the day without taking a peek or two.
On my mobile device Short snacks on the go is all I have time for.
All of the above Anywhere, anytime, any screen; I just cant get enough.
None of the above No plans to watch.
View Results
Should the federal government provide funding and other assistance for arts and cultural activities, including radio and television production?
Poll Results
Yes, with funds far greater than available today.
No, not at all. All funds should be withdrawn.
Yes, continued funding at similar levels to today should be maintained in exclusive assistance programs.
Yes, funding levels should be increased, tax incentives expanded, and R&D; investment should be enhanced.
No, the market should determine success, without government assistance.