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    Broadcaster Magazine - January 2025


    Cover Story: Clearing the air on HDTV
    HDTV's future is growing fuzzy with claims the transmission standard is flawed. Fortunately, Canadian broadcasters can wait out the storm.

    HDTV Special Report: HDTV, SDTV, NTSC, MPEG, DVB-ASI
    Are you as confused as I am?

    HDTV Special Report: The new media era: Crisis or catharsis for Canadian TV broadcasters and producers?
    As we enter the 21st century, broadcasting is entering a new media age, one which will challenge the industry like never before.

    HDTV Special Report: Look to a business plan, not just technical specs, to get ready for HDTV

    HDTV Special Report: DTV: the past year and the year ahead

    HDTV Special Report: World wide DVB standard benefits North American efforts

    HDTV Special Report: The value of HDTV in the post environment

    HDTV Special Report: DTV: hands on


    Industry News

    "Pirate" Web site craves to develop Canadian Internet superstations

    CRTC to license digital TV channels by year's end

    Cash-strapped CBC won't expand services, president says

    Point of View

    Working up an appetite for iCraveTV


    Longtime political broadcaster Colin Vaughan dies at home

    Tracking Trends

    A winning Internet strategy for broadcasters
    Broadcaster is pleased to introduce a new regular column from the BBM on trends in the industry.

    The Last Word

    The Future is now: new media and trade -- two essential priorities for Canada's private broadcasters in the new millennium


    The Future