DAILY NEWS Oct 4, 2025 7:22 AM - 0 comments

New Industry Ad Revenue Report Includes First-Time Statement of TV Online Revenues

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    The Television Bureau of Canada (TVB) released Canada's Net Advertising Volume by Medium for the Broadcast Year ending August 31st, 2025, which confirms that  television continues to be the dominant Advertising medium in Canada with $3.6 billion in revenue.

    For the first time, TVB is reporting Online Television Revenue volume at $110 million in 2025, which grew +10% versus 2025.  Previously, TV's Online Advertising Revenue had been reported exclusively within IAB's Internet Advertising Revenue, along with Newspaper, Magazine and Radio Online Advertising.  

    As reported by the IAB, Online Video Advertising revenues grew to $92 million last year, less than 3% of Television's $3.6 billion Advertising revenue.  Television's revenue strength is consistent with robust average Adult 18+ viewing at 28.8 hours per week, unchanged from the previous 5-year average of 28.8 hours per week.  Powerful Television content is the driving force behind time spent, regardless of platform.   Television's dominance is expected to continue as the industry rapidly transforms "everywhere" access through the introduction of extensive easy-to-use cross-screen viewing opportunities.  As technology increasingly allows people to access their preferred content any time, anywhere - television's online revenues will continue to grow.   Research-validated reasons for Television's dominance:

    TVB's most recent Television Viewing Preferences and Online Synergy Study released in 2025 confirms, given the choice between smartphones, tablets and computers, 87% of adults between 18 and 49 prefer watching their favourite TV shows on a television screen at home. The research also found that 73% of the same demographic think watching TV content on a computer, tablet or mobile device could not replace viewing on a television set.  People watch on the best available screen at the time.  

    TVB's Attitudinal Survey 2025, shows that 76% of the 18-49 demographic agree that commercials viewed on their TVs are the most effectiveor influential, versus just 22% viewed on a computer, tablet, e-reader, or mobile device.   Television reaches 98% of Canadian households.  It is a trusted sourced for both entertainment and  advertising messages.  On any given weeknight, Canadian prime time television viewership peaks at over 14 million viewers.  No other medium beats television for scale of audience or for emotionally engaging consumers.  It's a fact!   Television remains at the heart of both popular culture and advertising effectiveness, TVB reports.  

    About the Television Bureau of Canada (TVB):

    On behalf of the media industry as whole, TVB has aggregated revenue data for all media, including television, internet, radio, newspapers, magazines and out-of-home.  This co-operative media revenue compilation is considered industry currency and is utilized by organizations such as the Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Marketing Association and others.   The Television Bureau of Canada is an industry association for commercial television broadcasters in Canada.  TVB is a spokesperson for its members on television and advertising issues affecting the broad membership.  TVB provides leading edge research and information about television advertising.  

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