Broadcaster Magazine

Power of Television is Celebrated on World Television Day

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    The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) and EGTA, the Brussels-based association of television and radio sales houses, are underlining the impact and reach of the television industry on the 20th anniversary of World Television Day (21 November).  CBC & Radio-Canada Media Solutions is proud to be associated with this great event.

    As part of the annual United Nations initiative, the three organizations have produced a 30-second video emphasizing the impact television has on society. It will be shown by broadcasters across Europe, Asia, Canada, USA and Australia on 21 November.

    Broadcasters have the opportunity to add their own local content to the video before airing the clip across their networks.

    The video, which was produced by CBC & Radio-Canada Media Solutions, highlights that 128,000 [1] people in Canada help create the TV programs that reach 97% of the Canadian population [2]. Viewers, who watch for an average of 3h54min [3] every day, watch 130 million hours [4] of content on a daily basis on Canada’s 336 TV channels [5].

    To  celebrate  their  love  of  television,  viewers  are  encouraged  to  use  the  hashtags  #WeloveTV  and #WorldTVDay on social networks on 21 November.

    Jean Mongeau, General Manager & Chief Revenue Officer, Media Solutions says that TV plays a huge role in contributing to society: “The impact and reach of television is incredible. Almost everyone watches TV every week. Broadcasters play an indispensable role in the functioning of society. Despite the many choices consumers now have, television remains the dominant medium with more and more of us watching across all platforms”.

    Caroline Petit, Deputy Director, United Nations regional information Centre added: We are happy to see these key associations partnering up again to celebrate World TV Day, especially as we are now one year into the 2025 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All aspects of society, including the media and television, can play its part in implementing this agenda.”




    [1] Canadian Media Producers Association

    [2] Numeris. 2025. Total Canada. Average weekly reach A18+

    [3] Numeris. 2025. Total Canada. Average daily hours per capita. A18+

    [4] Data ThinkTV

    [5] Data ThinkTV