CHFI's Erin Davis Announces Sign Off - Broadcaster Magazine
Broadcaster Magazine

CHFI’s Erin Davis Announces Sign Off

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  • Following nearly three decades of waking Torontonians up Erin Davis will sign off as the voice of mornings on 98.1 CHFI, most recently as co-host of Erin & Darren in the Morning. Davis’s last on-air broadcast will take place on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2025 with a special live broadcast celebration at Casa Loma in Toronto.



    Following her final morning show broadcast, Davis will remain part of the CHFI family, returning to host future specials and features on the station. Additional details on a new co-host to join Darren B. Lamb will be announced in the coming weeks.

    “Leaving the CHFI morning show and our incredible, wonderful listeners has been an excruciating decision, but Rob and I have faced much harder things in the past 18 months,” said Davis. “Losing our only child, Lauren, last year has made us realize as a couple how very few promises life holds. And so, with gratitude and hope, we begin a new chapter. This isn’t goodbye, just a change of address – and a thank-you note 28 years in the writing.”

    An Edmonton native, Davis got her start hosting an afternoon radio show on CIGL-FM while attending Radio Broadcasting at Loyalist College in Belleville, ON.  She joined 98.1 CHFI in 1998, where she co-hosted the morning show for nearly 15 years before her brief departure in 2025, at which time she realized a lifelong dream to host her own TV show, W Live with Erin Davis.

    Davis returned to CHFI in 2025, where she co-hosted Erin and Mike in the Morning for more than a decade with friend and coworker Mike Cooper, who retired in January of this year. In February, both CHFI and Davis were thrilled to welcome new co-host Darren B. Lamb to the show.

    “Erin has been both a trusted colleague and friend over the years and I cannot thank her enough for the immense contribution she has made to 98.1 CHFI and to the radio industry overall,” said Julie Adam, Senior Vice President, Rogers Radio. “She has inspired so many, myself included, and is beloved by everyone fortunate enough to have worked alongside her. On behalf of the Rogers team, we would like to congratulate Erin on her success and we look forward to continuing to work with her as she begins the next chapter of her career.”

    Davis supports numerous charity initiatives, including the Easter Seals Telethon, the Markham Stouffville Hospital, and PLAN Canada. Additionally, she and her family established the Erin Davis – Women in Media Bursary, which is awarded to one student each year at Davis’s alma mater, Loyalist College.


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    13 Comments » for CHFI’s Erin Davis Announces Sign Off
    1. David Strods says:

      Erin we will miss you dearly, i have listen to CHFI for many years. I think you are such a beautiful person inside and out. when i was having a rough day, i could always count on you and the gang at chfi to cheer me up. When Mike left i was sad. now that you are going, chfi in the morning will never be the same. thanks for the beautiful memories. love ya…

    2. Steve Steckley says:

      Sorry to see you Go Erin All the Best to you Always

      Hey Darrin … I’ll Cohost with you ! 🙂

    3. Allan bromley says:

      All the best Erin & Rob in this new chapter. I’ve been a listener for many years ( don danard); days .

      God bless you both .


    4. Janet Cutrara says:

      Dear Erin,

      Thank you for your ‘grace and taste’ over the years. All the best.

      Caledon, ON

    5. Craig Burns says:

      Erin…….what else can I say !! When I’m driving and have a stressful day, I turn on CHFI, AND WOW !! Erin brightens my day !! You have always been a powerful, positive, energy boosting force at CHFI, and I for one, have always appreciated your honesty and good humour throughout many many years. You relax and enjoy your much deserved “break” in life along with your hubby ! Memories never die, and your calm voice will never leave my memories for as long as I live. Be safe in knowing you are always loved, and be forever missed on CHFI RADIO !! XXOO

    6. Anne Donnelly, Hamilton says:

      Dearest Erin and Rob,
      I have listened to you since I arrived in Canada from Ireland a lifetime ago. You helped me through my loneliness and joy of my new life here in Canada and I thank you for that.
      I remember when they announced the birth of your beautiful daughter and your grandson too. …what joy it was. Then the day they announced the terrible death of Lauren I cried and cried as I felt she was part of my family.
      I wish you and Rob peace in your new adventure and your continued healing which I know is the worst pain that a parent can suffer.

      Hugs to you both,

    7. Tina Orsi says:

      I was very sad when I heard your announcement on the radio today!! We will miss your voice very much. Take care and hope the very best for you and Rob in your next chapter!!.. Stay positive and all will be well you deserve the Best!!!

      Keep in touch and Stay Well.


    8. Mary says:

      Erin, you are an amazing woman . I love listening to you in the morning. May you find peace and joy in your new travels. All the best to you and Rob.


    9. Barry & Gail says:

      Sorry to hear that you are leaving chfi, all the best. Barry & Gail

    10. Rhonda Rosen says:

      Erin…I had the pleasure of meeting you & Rob back in January at Secrets The Vine Cancun. What a beautiful place that was (despite the weather lol) I wish you & Rob all the best out west. My daughter used to live in Victoria & it truly is a beautiful place.

      You will be missed! Take care!

    11. Cathy Field says:

      Dear Erin,

      You won’t remember me.  I wrote to you a long time ago because my husband and I went away and when we came back you were no longer at CHFI. We were devastated. Then we found you along the dial once more and we were overjoyed!

      And we went away again and when we returned you were no longer along the dial and we were upset once again.  But then you returned to CHFI with Mike and he was the perfect match.

      You see, you and Don Daynard were our friends when we moved to Brampton from Montreal back in 1991. Every morning I could count on the two of you to start my morning with a few laughs and get me through the tough days having left family and friends behind.

      And then we loved listening to you and Mike.  On our long drives to work,  through traffic you kept us company.

      Well, Stuart and I retired a few years ago and we travel often. We flew home from a long trip on November the 9th to be told by our daughter that you had announced that you were moving and that this time it would be permanent. 

      And at first I thought of how sad I was and how much I would miss hearing you.  And then I read your blog and I cried.

      Since we’ve been retired I must say that we just don’t get up as early in the morning anymore and often we miss you.  Life changes when you retire, but then again, Stuart tells everyone that this is the best job he has ever had.  We love it!

      We were in Montreal when your daughter passed away.  No one should lose a child.  I wanted to write and I couldn’t, I didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry. 

      You are going to be missed by so many people.  But your true friends, the ones who really love you will always be there for you. We’ve been gone from Montreal now for over 25 years.  We still go back and visit and these same friends still come visit us – friendships like that endure.  And now we have friends that we met here in Brampton and they moved to Vancouver and we’ve visited them and they’ve returned to stay with us.  It’s the same thing- some friendships are forever. Life goes on.

      Life is great but as we all know it does come with an expiration date. And in some cases it’s not a long life.  So enjoy your life.  Do what makes you happy.  Enjoy not having to get up early anymore.  Gradually you will learn to sleep in.  Enjoy your life in a different city, a different part of the country.  And enjoy it with family and soon with new friends. And do all those things on your bucket list! Why wait?

      And know this . . . that the people of Toronto will miss you and love you and wish you well.  And you will forever be part of their memories and ours!  Sending hugs!


    12. Sheila Davidson says:

      Erin, I was so sad to hear you are leaving Toronto.
      We have never met, but I respect you for so many reasons.
      You are kind, sensitive, loving and so respectful of everyone. You are the real deal!!!
      I’m hopeful after you and Rob have time to rest and heal,
      you will make the decision to return to Toronto in any capacity. You will always be welcomed with open arms.
      That is my Christmas wish.
      Thank you for always being there for everyone.
      Take care of each other.
      Sheila Davidson

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