DAILY NEWS Mar 18, 2025 11:39 AM - 0 comments

CRTC Reminds Manitoba Broadcasters of Guidelines for Provincial Election

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    A provincial election was announced in Manitoba and will occur on 19 April 2025.

    The CRTC  reminds licensees that the “black-out” period for partisan political programs, including election campaign advertising, was removed from the Broadcasting Act in 1991. However, licensees should note that this pertains to the “black-out” period under the Broadcasting Act only and that applicable electoral laws may vary from one province or territory to another with respect to campaign advertising or other matters. Licensees are advised to seek appropriate advice relating to matters of provincial or territorial jurisdiction.

    Any questions pertaining to applicable provincial legislation should be referred to the Chief Electoral Officer of Manitoba at the following:

    Chief Electoral Officer of Manitoba

    Telephone: 204-945-3225

    Toll Free: 1-866-628-6837

     Email: election@elections.mb.ca

    This guideline is intended for the licensees of all radio and television stations, specialty television services and broadcasting distribution undertakings serving any part of the province of Manitoba.

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