DAILY NEWS Mar 23, 2025 6:21 AM - 0 comments

CBC Comments On Federal Budget

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    CBC/Radio-Canada is grateful for the Government of Canada's important reinvestment in Canada's public broadcaster, announced in Budget 2025.

    "This is great news for CBC/Radio-Canada, and for Canadians who support public broadcasting," said Hubert T. Lacroix, President and CEO. "This reinvestment is a vote of confidence by government and by Canadians in our programs, our people, and our vision for the future."

    It is also recognition that CBC/Radio-Canada faces some significant financial challenges. The additional $75M in funding this year and $150M for the following four years provides the stability that allows the Corporation some breathing room, to assess the progress of its digital strategy, and to invest in the future.

    CBC/Radio-Canada continues to transform the way it operates in order to ensure that public broadcasting, and the content Canadians enjoy, thrive in the digital age. It has been challenging, but that work is showing results. Canadians see it every day in the way they engage with us, and each other, on mobile devices, social networks, on television and radio. The number of people using our digital services each month has grown by 3 million in the past year alone. We are creating closer connections with Canadians.

    CBC/Radio-Canada will use these funds to create new content and strengthen our transformation to the digital environment. We will reinvest in key areas important to Canadians, and in new digital jobs. We will have more information to share about this reinvestment in the weeks ahead.

    "We are humbled by this important support," said M. Lacroix. "We look forward to showing Canadians what we can do for them with this reinvestment. "

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