For the first time in Canada, community media practitioners will converge in one place to discuss the changing landscape of community media in this country.
Over three days from November 22 – 24 at Carleton University, practitioners from community television, radio, online and gaming platforms will join with academics and policy makers to discuss and develop new strategies for community media in the digital environment.
The conference will foster and celebrate Canadian community media through panels, workshops and a three-day media festival while also brainstorming a more holistic approach to policy at a day-long policy forum. The policy proposals that emerge will be presented to the CRTC as part of its upcoming review of community TV, as well as to other government agencies whose policies affect community media.
“Canada’s community media is in flux,’ says Cathy Edwards, executive director of the Canadian Association for Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS). Over the last decade, the majority of traditional cable community TV channels have closed, along with many local commercial news sources. Meanwhile, grassroots online and community gaming organizations have sprung up, but funding for community online media is uncertain.
“Media may be moving online, but just because people have an Internet connection doesn’t mean they know how to create media, build a web site or shoot a video, said Edwards. “There still have to be places in the community where people can get these skills. Just the tools have changed.”
Conference organizers have devised an online survey to engage Canadians in thinking about how they can participate actively in media creation in the digital environment. They will be holding focus groups in major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.
*To take part in a focus group, contact [email protected].
*To find out more about the conference or to register, go to Early bird and student pricing applies until September 30th.
For more information, contact [email protected] or at (613) 883-0698
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