Broadcaster Magazine

92 CITI FM’s Howard Mandshein Inducted into BAM’s Hall Of Fame

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  • 92 CITI FM’s own Howard Mandshein was honoured at the Broadcasters Association of Manitoba Conference on September 19th with the Hall of Fame Broadcaster Award…one of the industries’ most prestigious awards.  This award recognizes lifetime achievement for those individuals who have created a legacy in the broadcasting industry.

    Howard Mandshein is a beloved and respected radio icon in Winnipeg; a walking encyclopedia of Rock. After 35 years behind the mic, his passion continues to be to share and educate listeners… painting the canvas with pictures… with telling the stories of music.

    One of the original hosts on 92 CITI FM from 1978, he has kept rock fans “seriously” entertained, in particular with his signature show, The Sunday Morning Resurrection.

    Howard has previously been recognized with the Heritage Award for his involvement in the music community on a local level. A champion for the local music scene, he spends countless hours in clubs and live venues – anywhere that can squeeze in a guitar and amp. Howard believes supporting the local music scene is more than just opening the doors and allowing the acts to showcase their talents – it’s about laying the foundation and roots of the experience, opening people’s ears, minds and hearts to new ideas in music.