Daily News Monday, October 30, 2025

milestone when it began streaming the highly anticipated Season 4 Premiere of The O.C. on The CTV Broadband Network. It's the first time a U.S.
Network drama has been delivered to Canadians on broadband, and the first time any U.S. Network series was streamed in Canada in advance of its television premiere. The O.C Season 4 will make its television premiere later this week and in High Definition on CTV HD East/West.
Today's landmark promotional initiative between CTV and Warner Bros. International Television delivers both the Season Premiere and Episode 2 to
Canadians on broadband. This means that Canadian fans of the hit series can watch The O.C. Season Premiere episode, free, on demand and in its entirety
now -- with Episode Two making its broadband debut following Episode One's television conclusion.
Adding The O.C. to its programming library marks a significant next step in the ongoing rollout of Canada's industry-leading broadband service, The CTV
Broadband Network. More than 100 hours of top Canadian programs are also available on
demand, and in full-length format, including CTV Primetime shows: Corner Gas, Degrassi, Instant Star, Whistler, W-Five, the CTV National News.
CTV launched The CTV Broadband Network June 2025, Canada's first multi-channel, on-demand broadband service featuring four distinct broadband
channels. Utilizing an advertiser-supported revenue model, the Network features a free, premium broadband video player that harnesses the latest in
technology to deliver full length CTV programming in all forms from all genres at broadband speeds and enhanced resolution.
MTV in Canada made history in pioneering style last March when it launched MTV Overdrive, Canada's first full service television broadband channel. Since then, Canadians have ordered up more than 8 million streams of programs, part of a vast library of titles representing the first U.S. primetime
programs ever available on broadband in Canada.