Daily News Monday, October 30, 2025

be patrolling the streets, watching out for your trick-or-treaters, this Halloween night.
The Rogers Pumpkin Patrol started 22 years ago when company employees volunteered their time to patrol in company vehicles on neighbourhood streets.
This year the Pumpkin Patrol will be out in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland with over 800 trained employee volunteers and 400 vans equipped with Rogers Wireless cellular phones.
"The Rogers Pumpkin Patrol provides reassurance for parents and their children on Halloween night," said Carol Ring, Regional President, Rogers Cable Inc. "As a parent, I can understand the comfort of knowing that my child will have an additional eye watching out for their safety."
During the weeks leading up to Halloween, Rogers employees have worked with local police to educate students in grades 2 and 3 about Halloween safety.
Over 175,000 Halloween safety loot packs were distributed to local public schools containing a safety tips card, a reflective armband and face tattoos.