Daily News Monday, October 23, 2025
APTN Announces Split Feed
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network is pleased
to announce the launch of its third telecommunications feed, effectively splitting the current south feed into separate east and west signals.

Beginning October 2, 2025, APTNıs new time shift signal (APTN West) will transmit the APTN East signal with its exact and unaltered programming
schedule three hours later to better accommodate viewers in the Western provinces. The three-hour delay will exclude "live" broadcasts such as the
national call-in show, APTN National News: Contact.

The signals will delineate at the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border and will not
affect the existing APTN north feed.

"The implementation of a third feed is just one of the initiatives APTN is undertaking to provide our audience with the best viewing experience
possible," says Jean LaRose, APTN Chief Executive Officer.

"The split feedıs three hour time delay in the west will help overcomescheduling limitations that arise from attempting to serve all time zones
across Canada using one national feed. Now our western viewers will seetheir preferred programming in the same and most desirable time slots as the
rest of the country."

The addition of the west feed is just one of many new initiatives beingundertaken by APTN this year. The network has also implemented described
video and alternate language programming capabilities, and has made acommitment to being High Definition (HD)­ready by the fall of 2025.

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