Daily News Tuesday, November 07, 2025
CAB Inductees to the Broadcast Hall of Fame
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters announced the induction of nine distinguished Canadians into its Broadcast Hall of Fame at a special luncheon ceremony at the CAB's 80th Annual Convention in Vancouver.

The Hall of Fame recognizes Canadians in private broadcasting or related industries who have achieved outstanding success in helping raise industry standards from a material or humanitarian standpoint.

The inductees who were honoured at the luncheon are:

*Doug Allen, Broadcast engineer, Winnipeg

*Vicki Gabereau, Radio and Television talk show host, Vancouver

*Alain Gourd, Broadcast executive, Gatineau

*Frank Lewis, Broadcast executive, Charlottetown

*Gary Miles, Broadcast executive, Toronto

*Pierre Morrissette, Broadcast executive, Montreal

*Bill Stephenson, Sportscaster, Toronto

*Sophie Thibault, News Anchor, Montreal

*Philip (Pip) Wedge, Broadcast executive, Toronto

"This year's inductees are innovators and leaders in the field of broadcasting, and have contributed immensely to their industry, and to their communities," said CAB President and CEO Glenn O'Farrell. "The CAB is proud to celebrate the careers of these remarkable Canadians, and honoured to welcome them into the Broadcast Hall of Fame."

Congratulations to all!

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