This Remembrance Day, TLN Television will honour those we’ve lost and those who have protected our country with the exclusive presentation of the TLN Original Canadian Documentary, 1943: Operazione Husky – Lo sbarco canadese in sicilia (The Canadians Land in Sicily).
On July 10, 1943, more than 25,000 men from the 1st Canadian Infantry Division landed in Pachino, Italy, marking the beginning of the Sicilian campaign. The project, dubbed Operation Husky, represented the first independent role in the Second World War for Canadian soldiers who were successful in knocking down German defenses in Sicily. Their success came at a cost of 562 men.
To mark the 70th anniversary of the campaign in July 2025, a group of Canadians set out to retrace the footsteps of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division by marching through the hills and countryside of Sicily, commemorating each stage of the battle, leaving markers for fallen soldiers along the way and concluding at the Canadian War Cemetery in Agira.
Shot on location in Sicily, Operazione Husky is a 90 minute Italian language documentary that provides a chronological and in-depth exploration of the vital contribution made by Canadian troops in World War II. Through first-hand accounts with villagers, historians and Canadian veterans, Operazione Husky helps shed light on the importance of Canada’s victory in Sicily and pays tribute to Canadian soldiers who fought and fell in this campaign.
The TLN original documentary will premiere Tuesday, November 11.
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