The Commission approves the application by Anthem Media Sports & Entertainment Corp., on behalf of Fantasy Sports Media Group Inc., for authority to acquire from Fight Media Inc., as part of a corporate reorganization, the assets of the national specialty Category B service FNTSY Sports Network (formerly known as The League – Fantasy Sports TV), as well as for a new broadcasting licence to continue the operation of the undertaking under the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licence. The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding this application.
Fantasy Media is owned by Anthem Media (80%) and various minority non-Canadian shareholders (20%) and is controlled by Mr. Leonard J. Asper, a Canadian.
Following completion of the transaction, Fantasy Media will become the licensee of FNTSY Sports Network. The transaction will not affect the effective control of the undertaking, which will continue to be exercised by Mr. Asper.
Upon surrender of the current licence issued to Fight Media Inc., the Commission will issue a new broadcasting licence to Fantasy Sports Media Group Inc. expiring 31 August 2025, the current licence expiry date, to continue the operation of the undertaking under the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licence.
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