BroadCaster Magazine RSS Feeds
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Available RSS Feeds (Click to Add):
Headline News
What is RSS?
It can be a lot of time and work keeping up-to-date on the
information you need. Web sites can be slow to load and it's
difficult to keep track of when new information is getting posted.
With RSS, you can have the latest news and features delivered
directly to you without worrying about filling up your inbox or
checking dozens of sites a day.
RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication' and is essentially a
syndicated feed that you identify as useful and choose to have
How do I get RSS Feeds?
To start reading RSS feeds, you'll need a News Reader first. There
are many different types, some are web browser based, and some are
stand-alone applications. You can see a list of some popular RSS
readers below.
After you have chosen a News Reader, you will need to add the
content that you want to it. You can identify sites with RSS feeds
typically by a small orange square (usually near the bottom of a
page) like these:

You can add the feed by cutting and pasting in the URL address, or by clicking on the orange square.
Popular RSS News Readers
Google Reader (Free)
NewsGator (Free)
Bloglines (Free)
MyYahoo! (Free)
FeedDemon (Free)