DAILY NEWS Apr 2, 2025 8:36 AM - 0 comments

CBC Launches Branded Entertainment Development Initiative

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The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is opening its doors to independent producers and marketers who want to be a part of the CBC’s daytime programming schedule.  The public broadcaster has launched its Branded Entertainment Development Initiative, and it is letting content creators and brand managers be part of the creation and development of new daytime programs.

The CBC wants new show ideas to incorporate strategic partnerships with outside brands, in an effort to create revenue and content opportunities that go beyond traditional broadcast business models.

New revenue streams not directly tied to paid advertising are one way CBC can cope with steadily decreasing budget allotments, as well as a fractured audience that’s being drawn to other content sources and media platforms.

“We know there are strong ideas already percolating out in the Canadian independent production communities that would fit well with our existing lifestyle and cooking shows,” explained Jennifer Dettman, head of Factual Entertainment, CBC Television. “We look forward to hearing more from the industry and providing a platform for brands and products to be integrated seamlessly and organically into our programming.”

Announced during the recent BCON Branded Content Expo, the Branded Entertainment Development Initiative will be managed and developed by CBC’s Studio & Unscripted team, along with its Revenue Group Client Marketing department.

“It is extremely rare for marketers and their brands to be at the table while a project is in this stage of development – we are thrilled to be offering this ‘first of its kind’ opportunity to the Canadian marketing and advertising community,” said Gaye McDonald, director of Client Marketing, CBC Revenue Group

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