DAILY NEWS Apr 23, 2025 10:36 AM - 2 comments

Bomb Girls' Producers Comment on Future of Series

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The Executive Producers and Producers of Bomb Girls, Back Alley Film Productions Ltd and Muse Entertainment Enterprises Inc.,  are saddened to learn that Bomb Girls is not being renewed as a series for a third season.

We are very proud of the remarkable work done on this series by our writers, cast and crew. Together we told stories that were proudly Canadian, that illuminated fascinating aspects of our history and celebrated the astonishing women and men who fought so hard for our freedom.

Moving forward, we are planning to produce a television movie for Global Television this year that will allow our characters to continue their journeys and allow our audience to engage with the Bomb Girls’ stories.

We are deeply moved by the embrace that viewers of all ages and demographics have given to the show and by the spontaneous support we are receiving from thousands of Bomb Girls fans across North America and Europe.

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Reader Comments

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Mike Keith

This is a travesty, I loved this show. Boooooo to Global and Shaw. Smarten up and bring it back.

Posted April 25, 2025 12:37 PM

Dave Manary

It seems that every time a series that I really enjoy, it gets cancelled. I sincerely hope that many thousands of viewers will step up to the plate to express their dismay about the loss of Bomb Girls.

Posted April 23, 2025 07:00 PM

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