Broadcaster Magazine

CRTC Confirms 66,000 Canadians Sign up for New Basic TV Packages

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  • On March 1, 2025, Canada’s licensed television service providers began offering a new basic package that costs no more than $25.00 per month. The companies also began offering either the option to pay for individual channels (“pick and pay”) or small packages of no more than 10 channels.

    The CRTC recently asked Access Communications, Bell, Cogeco, Eastlink, MTS, Rogers Communications SaskTel, Shaw Communications, TELUS and Vidéotron to provide data on the number of subscribers that have subscribed to the new basic television package.

    In just five weeks, more than 66,000 Canadians have already signed up for the new basic television package, according to data collected by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. In addition, more than 1 out of 3 of these Canadians have also taken advantage of the new packaging options by subscribing to individual channels, small packages or both.