Space, BBC America, and Temple Street Productions announced today that filming has begun on Season 2 of the hit conspiracy clone thriller, Orphan Black. Premiering in March 2025, Orphan Black had the highest Original Series debut ever for Space. The 10-episode, one-hour drama shoots on location and in studio in Toronto until February 2025.
“The debut season of Orphan Black delivered thrilling, dramatic, and suspenseful television that grabbed the attention of viewers and critics alike, and never let go,” said Corrie Coe, Senior Vice-President, Independent Production, Bell Media. “Season 2 continues to build on the excitement with creators Graeme Manson and John Fawcett leading us further into a labyrinth of twists, turns, and surprises. We look forward to another exciting season with our partners Temple Street Productions and BBC America.
“We’re truly amazed at the incredible response we received from TV critics and fans alike since the beginning of this series,” commented David Fortier and Ivan Schneeberg, Executive Producers and Co-Presidents, Temple Street Productions. “We’re delighted to have the opportunity with our supportive partners Space and BBC America, to continue on this amazing journey, and to answering some of the impending questions fans were left with from the end of last season.”
Since its premiere, Orphan Black has been praised by critics and loved by fans. Noted as a “surprisingly thrilling new drama” (The AV.Club) and “flat out, one of the most intriguingly entertaining new series of the year” (The Hollywood Reporter), Maslany’s performance on the series also stood out, garnering her a Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Dramatic Actress, a Television Critics Association Award for Individual Achievement in Drama, and an EWwy Award for Best Actress from Entertainment Weekly readers.
Orphan Black is executive produced by Ivan Schneeberg and David Fortier, Graeme Manson and John Fawcett. The series is co-created by Manson and Fawcett, with Manson also serving as writer and Fawcett as director. BBC Worldwide distributes the series internationally.
Orphan Black is produced by Temple Street Productions in association with Space and Bell Media, and BBC America. Production Executives are Trish Williams and Gosia Kamela. Corrie Coe is Senior Vice-President, Independent Production, Bell Media. Catherine MacLeod is Senior Vice-President, Specialty Channels, Bell Media. Rick Brace is President, Specialty Channels and CTV Production. Phil King is President, CTV Programming and Sports.
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