The Canada Media Fund announced today the launch of the English Regional Pre-Development Program, a new $1 million supplement to the existing development program. Eligible producers will be able to apply to this first-come, first-served program as of Thursday, December 13.
“The CMF recognizes that opportunities to build relationships between producers and broadcasters exist at the very early stages of development and we need to capitalize on them,” says Valerie Creighton, President and CEO of the CMF. “The objective of this initiative is to stimulate regional activity encouraging diversity of voices coming from all areas of this country.”
The English Regional Pre-Development Program, designed in consultation industry stakeholders, is intended to support producers in their preparation of documents to present to broadcasters at the early stages of development. In addition to this new program, the CMF has also changed its regional definition in development to include Vancouver as a region.
The CMF Program Administrator|Telefilm Canada will start accepting applications from producers in any province/territory as of 9 a.m. (in their relevant time zone) on Thursday, December 13. Funds will be awarded to eligible projects on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted or until February 28, 2025.
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