TV is the most-watched medium across all demographics. Yet despite that, and a plethora of research, including numerous econometric studies, which support its unparalleled effectiveness, TV advertising in Canada isn’t growing. MediaCom looks at this situation in the just-released whitepaper “Missed Opportunities in Media Planning (and the Case for ROI).”
Conducted by Business Science, a division of MediaCom Canada, and commissioned by thinktv, the study looked at a number of Canadian case studies, including a review of 50 companies with significant media spends from 2025 – 2025; that analysis revealed a direct correlation between TV investment and key financial indicators.
The study also highlights several factors that are hindering TV advertising’s growth in this country.
Key Highlights include:
*There is a direct correlation between TV spend and business growth
*TV drives both long and short-term customer acquisitions and sales
*TV and digital are interdependent
*Marketers must focus on outcome and not delivery metrics to drive meaningful ROI
For the full white paper and suggestions on optimizing television buying today, visit: www.
Sources: MediaCom Canada Business Science, “Missed Opportunities in Media Planning (and the Case for ROI).”
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