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OMT Technologies Announces iBiquity Licensing

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  • February 24, 2025

    by -- OMT Technologies

    OMT Inc. today announced the licensing of iBiquity’s HD Radio™ PAD (Program Associated Data) for their popular
    iMediaTouch Broadcast Automation System.

    The licensing has allowed OMT to become an HD Radio Wireless Data Service Provider. Users of iMediaTouch 2.0 will have seamless integration between the automation system and the iBiquity’s HD Radio technology.

    “OMT is dedicated to providing our current and future customers with the tools and means to roll out HD Radio for their station,” comments Ron Paley, Founder and Senior Business Developer. “We are proud to be part of iBiquity’s vision for the future of radio and look forward to forging
    ahead with new and innovative products that OMT has always pioneered.”

    “We are happy to welcome OMT Technologies to the family of HD Radio technology suppliers,” said Joseph D’Angelo, Vice President, Advanced Services at iBiquity Digital. “Providing seamless support of Program Associated Data is a critical component of a station’s transition to HD Radio broadcasting. OMT’s commitment to provide this functionality will enable their customers to simplify their transition and realize the full
    potential of digital HD Radio broadcasting.”

    iMediaTouch, which is a suite of audio content management and digital delivery software for commercial broadcast radio applications, is installed and operating in over 1000 radio stations in North America, Asia and Europe. iMediaTouch has been in use in some of the largest scale audio delivery services and cable music systems including: DMX/AEI
    (Denver, Los Angeles, Munich, Santiago, Mexico City), Music Choice (New York, USA), CBC Galaxie (Toronto, Canada) and Corus MaxTrax (Calgary, Canada).

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