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Harris Corp. Launches Software Systems Business Unit To Serve Existing and New Broadcast and Enterprise Markets

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  • January 19, 2025

    by -- Harris Corporation

    Harris Corporation today announced the formation of a new Software Systems business unit within its Broadcast Communications Division. The new business unit brings together the resources of Harris' automation business and Encoda Systems, a global leader in broadcast media software that was acquired by Harris in November 2025. The
    combined solution set enables Harris to provide total content delivery solutions to existing and emerging broadcast, enterprise and government markets. Serving call letter broadcasters, cable/MSO and satellite service providers, advertising agencies, media rep firms, and enterprises, the new Software Systems business unit will offer modular, standards-based workflow management and service
    management solutions engineered with open APIs for maximum ease of integration and future scalability.

    "Today's announcement comprises the next chapter of Harris' mission to deliver systems that drive customer business results," said Jeremy Wensinger, president and general manager of Harris' Broadcast Communications Division. "The inception of the new Software Systems business unit - and the open, standards-based solutions it offers - represent an important proactive position for Harris in customizing solutions that increase functionality, productivity and revenue."

    The new software systems business unit expands Harris Broadcast Communications Division's organizational structure and will be key to extending the top-of-mind position Harris already enjoys in broadcast transmission hardware to merging software areas. Software Systems becomes the fifth business unit of Harris Broadcast Communications, joining Radio Broadcast Systems, Television Broadcast Systems, Networking and Government Solutions, and Broadcast Systems Europe (which develops European-standard transmission products). With the significantly expanded capabilities of the new Software Systems business unit, Harris will be able to offer end-to-end content delivery solutions across the distinct phases of content creation, distribution and transmission.

    John Sorensen, former chief executive officer of Encoda Systems, has been named president of the new Software Systems business unit. Sorensen joined Encoda Systems in 1987 as the principal designer and developer of the company's
    industry-leading traffic management and billing software systems for the cable/MSO market. He is a highly regarded IT industry expert who previously held positions with Unisys and Hewlett-Packard.

    "It is evident that Harris is expanding from a hardware-focused, transmission system provider to a provider of integrated workflow solutions that are applicable to broadband, advertising, digital asset management, automation and 'back office' technology," Sorensen said. "With Harris' solutions set, we can facilitate the flow of content from its inception through delivery. The progress
    we're making today continues to strengthen the breadth and depth of the solutions we're bringing to market - and further positions Harris to capitalize on this evolving opportunity for comprehensive and nonproprietary next-generation automation and traffic platforms."

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