Force Four Entertainment and Remedy Canada Productions, in association with Shaw Media, are proud to announce the start of production on First Dates Canada, a new Canadian documentary series scheduled to air on Slice in 2025. Based on the hit format from Warner Bros. International Television Production, First Dates Canada brings viewers a compulsively watchable look at the attractions, the heartaches, the connections, and the perils of a first date.
Filmed on location in Vancouver, each episode of First Dates Canada documents a restaurant of single men and women who have been paired up for a first date with someone they’ve never met. The restaurant is fitted with more than 40 hidden cameras capturing every moment of the ensuing, and sometimes cringe-worthy, conversational foreplay. Honest and observational at its core, First Dates Canada is a real-life romantic comedy where the players direct themselves.
Originally produced in the U.K. by Twenty Twenty for Channel 4, First Dates has become an international hit, with local versions produced in a number of other territories including Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands.
First Dates Canada is a co-production between Force Four Entertainment and Remedy Canada Productions, in association with Shaw Media and Slice.