DAILY NEWS Jun 21, 2025 8:32 AM - 0 comments

AMI Launches TV Listing Service for the Blind

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    In a continuing effort to make media accessible to all Canadians, Accessible Media Inc. announced today the launch of its Described Video TV Guide (DV Guide).

    The first of its kind, the Described Video (DV) Guide is a comprehensive list of most described television programming across Canada. The DV Guide was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Described Video Working Group and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, to build awareness of described video programming and enable blind or low vision customers to plan their television viewing.

    "This truly is a ground-breaking service for our blind and low vision customers who are looking for TV programming information. Housing it in one central location, and including all of the broadcasters, will make it more convenient and accessible," explains Peter Burke, AMI Vice-President of Marketing and Communications.

    The DV Guide was built and is maintained on a daily basis by Accessible Media Inc. Five days of TV listings are provided at all times and may be sorted by time, network or show. Step-by-step instructions and several accessibility options are available.

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