Broadcaster Magazine

Video Ads Get More Attention on TV

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  • According to the latest NLogic omniVu Survey, Canadians pay most attention to video advertisements when viewed in TV content on TV sets: three times more than video ads on Facebook, and nine times more than user-generated content viewed on a phone.

    As part of the survey conducted in March, 1,000 Canadian adults were asked questions prepared by thinktv that probed which platform holds their attention when it comes to video ads and content.

    “The majority of Canadians prefer to watch TV programming on a TV set – including Millennials, so it’s not surprising that that attention extends to ads on TV as well,” said Kathy Gardner, Vice President Media Insights, thinktv. “But what’s particularly interesting is that even amongst Millennials, despite their high incidence of multi-tasking, the majority say that TV ads on TV get the most attention.“
    See below for more key findings from the thinktv/NLogic omniVu study:


    Size Matters – and yes, Bigger is Better

    *The majority of Canadians pay most attention to TV programming when watching on a TV set (78% of A18+ and 55% of Millennials)

    *Canadians prefer TV as a platform because of the bigger screen size (68%), because it’s more social (42%) and because of the superior picture quality (38%)

    *68% of Canadian adults – and 55% of Millennials – have never watched their favourite show on a phone


    TV Ads #1 for Attention

    *Canadians pay most attention to tv advertising on TV:  3x more than Facebook, and 9x more than UGC on a phone

    *TV is tops for Millennials: Half of the Millennials surveyed (49%) say they pay most attention to video ads on a TV set, compared to Facebook (24%), UGC on a phone (11%), and hardly ever within their Twitter feed (2%)

    Multi-Tasking not detracting from TV Attention

    *43% of Canadians never/almost never use their cell phones while watching TV

    *Millennial women (W18-34) are most likely to multi-task – 36% more than Millennial men

    *Not all Millennials multi-task: 25% of Millennials say they never/almost never use their phone while watching TV

    *Multi-taskers and non-multi-taskers alike say TV ads get the most attention


    Source: NLogic omniVu Quarterly Phone Omnibus Survey; thinktv Video Advertising Questionnaire, March 2025, Adults 18+